In light of pride month, it is only right that we help to grow the awareness of LGBTQ+ fitness spaces and not only why they’re needed, but where you can find them too.
Pride month is annually celebrated in June and honours the achievements, struggles and of course the consistent resilience of the LGBTQ+ community. While it is a time to celebrate, it is also a time to spread awareness of discrimination and promote inclusivity.
Sadly, discrimination and hate crimes against those that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community are still far too common and frequent; that being said, it is important that we use our voices to make a positive impact and raise a new generation of accepting individuals free to be who they are without judgement.
Are all Fitness Spaces LGBTQ+ Friendly?
On the surface, yes, all gyms are of course open to those that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody feels safe and welcome there.
While in an ideal world everybody would be welcome everywhere and anywhere, we sadly don’t live in a world where acceptance is universal which is why it is important to raise awareness and do what we can to put an end to discrimination and ultimately make the world a safe space for everybody.
The good news is, if as a member of the LGBTQ+ community you feel as though you would be more comfortable in a fitness space especially for you - these spaces do exist and offer a place for you to workout without any anxieties.
Why LGBTQ+ Fitness Spaces are Necessary
The rates of hate crime and discrimination in the UK and indeed around the world are still prevalent. This is why awareness all year round is important, but Pride Month is a time to really get your voice out there and share the facts and figures surrounding discrimination.
Based on a YouGov polling of more than 5000 LGBT people in the UK, these are just some of the conclusions that were drawn:

There are copious amounts of studies and statistics out there, and it isn’t a secret that there is discrimination toward people of the LGBTQ+ community - so, how can we make sure this isn’t the case in gyms?
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How to Deal With LGBTQ+ Discrimination in Fitness Spaces
LGBTQ+ discrimination can happen in, or out of the gym, but in the gym where intimidation is common among people from all walks of life, the intimidation for those who are already feeling discriminated due to their gender identity or sexual orientation can feel heavier.
If you see any acts of discrimination in your gym or fitness space, it is important that you do something about it. Speak up where you can, look out for those who are victims of discrimination and report the incidents.
People who create an environment that isn’t comfortable for everybody should not be welcome in gyms. Fitness spaces are a place where people can escape from reality, have some time alone or workout with their friends, peers or trainers - not somewhere to be intimated by.
What People In the LGBTQ+ Community Have to Say…
We asked James Bickerstaff, a gay man, whether he felt as though his sexual orientation comes into play when he thinks about fitness spaces and this is what he had to say.

“I think more LGBTQ+ fitness spaces would be ideal for gay men because we impose impossible body standards on eachother and it would be good to be around people who understand that kind of mindset and pressure”
While in an ideal society and world, we wouldn’t have such worries, there is always room for more safe spaces that are dedicated to making everybody feel welcome, comfortable and happy in a fitness environment.
Exclusively LGBTQ+ Fitness Spaces in the UK
There are fitness clubs of all kinds in the UK, and in light of Pride Month, we have compiled a list below of the LGBTQ+ fitness spaces that you may, or may not know about. Maybe it is time to try out something new and join a fitness space that sets itself apart from the rest.
Find here Queer Spin & Queer Yoga.
Though this is a US company, they’re online and remote too!
The Sweatbox in SOHO is the only openly gay gym that offers itself as ‘London’s Busiest Sauna’.
Their statement is to workout with Pride, so you can feel comfortable and confident in an inclusive space.
Before You Go…
If you have any experience in working out in LGBTQ+ gyms and want to praise inclusive spaces or tell us about your experience, don’t hesitate to start the conversation in the comments.
At Infinity Performance, you can count on a safe space for you to train with a personal trainer that is concentrating on one thing only, your fitness goals! If you want to find out about online coaching or in-house personal training, get in touch with Infinity Performance today.